Junior Year

What to Expect at Ridge High School During Junior Year

School pictures/ID photos are taken in September. All students are given an ID card to place in their grade appropriate colored lanyard which must be worn at all times during the school day.

Homecoming Tailgate is open to all students and held before the Friday night football game of Homecoming Week.

Late In/Early Out Privilege is given to Juniors and Seniors when a study hall is the first block and/or last block of the day. Student must attend mandatory information meeting and complete required paperwork each semester. Usually begins in October.

PSAT Testing is offered at Ridge in mid-October (optional).

SAT and/or ACT Testing, students sign up directly through the College Board or ACT websites. Testing sites vary in location. Ridge offers the ACT on Saturdays a few times during the year. Be sure to look out for an email about this in September. It will contain a specific code for the Ridge testing site you can enter on the ACT website. For more testing information refer to the Ridge Counseling site by clicking here.

AP Testing is held in May (optional) at Ridge High School.

National Honor Society – Students academically eligible for NHS will be emailed application information in February/March of Junior year. While requirements may change from year to year, they could include: proof of participation in a Ridge Activity, explanation of community service completed for Sophomore year, proof of community service hours beyond Sophomore history required hours, and a resume.

Junior Prom is held in late April.

Senior Packet A is due to counselor in early June.

Parking Application – Student must sign up with a partner to share a spot; form due in June. Only seniors are allowed to park at Ridge.

Ridge Awards Night Ceremony takes place in June of each year. The majority of awards are for college scholarships earned by juniors and seniors. Additionally, students achieving the Gold Level Service awards are invited to attend. Invitations are sent out a few weeks prior to the ceremony to students who have earned awards.

Ridge Gives Back is a day of school wide community service in June. All students sign up to participate in different service opportunities during the day.

Senior Portraits are taken the week after the last day of school at Ridge or at Normandy Studios in the summer after Junior year (call to schedule an appointment).  Retakes occur in the fall of Senior year at Ridge.

Summer Assignments – begin checking the Ridge website homepage in late May for summer reading, math, and AP assignments.