Frequently Asked Questions
Go to the RHS Information Hub found on the Bernards BOE website. Then click on RHS Communications in the top bar and scroll down to Daily Announcements or click here.
Staying informed is so quick and easy!
Friday Folder: The Bernards Township School District is green; no paper flyers are sent home, instead everything comes through the electronic Friday Folder, an electronic mailing that goes out every Friday. This folder includes all essential paperwork, so it is imperative that every parent register to receive the Friday Folder. It also contains a link to this website for all the PTO News.
Ridge Friday Folders are sent automatically through Genesis so make sure your email is up to date in your Genesis account by clicking here.
To register for the District Friday Folder or login to your Genesis account, by clicking here.
PTO Facebook Page: @RidgeHighPTO – “like” the page and request notifications and they’ll show up right in your newsfeed.
Ridge Bridge: This is the PTO newsletter, which comes out in the Friday Folder three times a year. It can also be found here.
Student information is listed on Genesis, which should be updated regularly by the teachers. Information there includes your child’s schedule, attendance, discipline records, classwork, report cards, transcript, and basic registration information. To reach Genesis, click here.
The directory is put out by the PTO. When you join the PTO and pay your membership dues, you will receive access to our online directory.
If you have not yet joined the PTO and would like to, forms are available. Click here for membership information.
Please Note: Clubs, activities and sports are sponsored by the school, NOT the PTO.
For sports, go to the Ridge Athletics page at or click here.
For a list of all other Ridge activities or clubs, go to the RHS Information Hub, click on the Parents/Families tab, scroll down to General, and click Extracurricular Clubs or click here.
Club meeting times and locations are posted in the daily announcements on the RHS Information Hub under RHS Communications or click here.
Finally, the Activities Night is held at the high school each spring and is an ideal opportunity to meet and speak with group members and/or coaches. This event is open to incoming freshman and all current RHS students.
The lunch menu link is found on the Ridge High School website homepage. It can also be found under the Helpful Links tab on this website or click here.
Students can pay in cash, or you can set up an account by going to or by going to and clicking on Payments. Here you can create an account for your student which can be monitored and replenished as needed. You will need to know your student’s ID number.
The best way to contact teachers is through email. The email address for most teachers is their first initial plus their last name, You can also go to the staff directory on the Ridge website or click here.
Parking for students is reserved for seniors only, with each assigned spot being shared by two seniors at their discretion. Juniors are not permitted to park in the lots. Parking permit applications are completed in the spring of Junior year. The complete details of parking regulations are outlined in the Student Handbook and can be found by clicking here.
To increase our ability to communicate critical information to you, RHS utilizes School Messenger Communicate to send phone, email and text messages. There is no need to sign up for School Messenger. Contact information is taken from the Genesis student information system and loaded into School Messenger. Therefore, please keep your contact information in Genesis up-to-date. You can check your account here.
Board of Education meetings information can be found on the Bernards Township Schools website or by clicking here.
Visit the Volunteer page on this website by clicking here to view the various PTO opportunities. You can also download and submit the Volunteer form located here.
Go to the RHS Parent Information Hub. Scroll down to Academics and click on the Tutorial Schedule. Additionally, you can scroll down to Counseling and click on Tutoring List or click here.
Call the transportation department at (908) 204-2600 x119 or email the Transportation Coordinator, Janet Lubaszka at To learn more about Bernards Township Schools Subscription Busing, click here.
Bring the item in a bag with your student’s name on it into the front vestibule and place in one of the numbered cubbies. Then, notify your student that the item was dropped off.
Attendance notification can be done through Genesis (click here) or call the Attendance Office, not the Nurse, at (908) 204-2585 x200.
There are two kinds of Option II, Academic and Athletic. Academic Option II allows students to take a class online or off-site (for instance at a local college) for credit at Ridge. Athletic Option II allows students to fulfill the state-mandated physical education credits by participating on a Ridge athletics team or marching band, or by participating in approved sports or dance classes outside of Ridge. Students who do the required number of hours of approved physical activity outside of school can have a study hall instead of their PE class. Students must apply for Option II in advance of each marking period. For more information, click here.
For information on this Ridge privilege, please go to the the RHS Parent/Families Information Hub, scroll down to Attendance/Health Office and click on Late In/Early Out for details. Or click here.
Yes. For the RHS Dress Code, please reference BTSD Board Policy 5511.
Ridge High School students are expected to dress in an appropriate manner. Dress cannot be disruptive to the school environment. Clothing must cover the chest, torso and all undergarments. Length of dresses, skirts and shorts must be as long as the end of fingertips when arms are resting at the side. State law requires that shoes be worn at all times. Any attire that references alcohol, drugs or gambling in any manner or which contain phrases and/or symbols capable of misinterpretation or multiple interpretations are never permitted to be worn. Students wearing clothing that does not fit the dress code outlined above will be asked to change the inappropriate article of clothing and may be subject to disciplinary action for repeat offenses. These standards are in effect from the first to the last day of school. The administration reserves the right to determine proper attire. This information can also be found in the Ridge Student/Family Handbook. You can find it here.
The ceremony takes place in June of each year. The majority of awards are for college scholarships earned by juniors and seniors. Additionally, students achieving the Gold Level Service awards are invited to attend. Invitations are sent out a few weeks prior to the ceremony to students who have earned awards.
For more information about Community Service Opportunities, the Sophomore Social Studies course requirement, and the Community Service Awards, click here. These awards identify and recognize those students who give their time and talent to help others without receiving financial compensation or academic credit, and thereby to encourage other students to give service as well. Contact the Ridge Counseling Department for more information.
Awards for Community Service hours are given to students of all grade levels. Students must submit community service hours by completing the Service Record Form through Genesis as well as turning in a hard copy of the form to Ms. Conklin in Room 203. The form must be signed by a teacher, advisor or adult leader attesting to number of hours and type of service given by that student. The form is due in early May. A Bronze Pin is given for 100-199 hours, a Silver Pin for 200-249 hours, and a Gold Pin for 250 or more hours of service.
The community service hours earned for the sophomore American History requirement count towards the total number of hours for this award.
Scholarship information is found in Naviance. Login can be found here. Click on the Scholarships and Money heading.
Information regarding working papers can be found here.
Read the Student/Family Handbook by clicking here.
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