Membership Form
We invite your family to join the Ridge High School PTO for the 2024-2025 academic year! This is Ridge PTO's only fundraising event. Your membership dues and directory ads are our only source of funds to support the many activities and events held during the school year. Donations to the Ridge PTO help fulfill school, teacher, and student needs. Click here to join.
Volunteer Form
The Ridge High School PTO needs volunteers for many committees. We rely on volunteers to contribute to the school’s success. If you are interested in volunteering or have questions about our committees, please take a look at the opportunities listed on our Volunteer page of this website or click here to sign-up. We appreciate your support!
PTO Reimbursement Form
Fill out this form and submit to the PTO Treasurer for all expenses occurred during your PTO sponsored activity.
Event Evaluation Form
Once your event has finished, please fill out this form to help the PTO evaluate events and pass on the information to future volunteers.